Lazer Buwa are proud to have partnered with some of the biggest names in Video Surveillance Management that provide sophisticated surveillance features to satisfy all security and infrastructure management requirements across a wide variety of market sectors.

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HYTERA Body Worn Cameras
Body Worn Cameras (BWC) are seen as one way to address the challenge law enforcement and security officers face every day. The technology offers real-time or recorded information when used by officers on assignments that bring them into contact with members of the community. BWC also provides law enforcement with a mobile surveillance tool to promote officer safety and efficiency and deter crime.
Hytera with over 20 years’ experience in public safety is, unwavering in meeting the demands of its customers. It has independently developed a series of body worn cameras, from traditional to 4G/LTE body worn cameras, and launched a comprehensive solution including the body worn camera, integrated device station and digital evidence management platform. Hytera therefore established its own independent solution eco-system and can provide a complete video law enforcement solution.